Sunday 22 July 2012

Long time no see, blog!

It's been way too long since I've made a blog post here.
So as an apology, I'd like to show off the first track in the Legend of Vidya OST.
Introducing: Ultra Dodgeball by Dacious

Not only that, there are plenty of new sprites as well!
Various animations for Sega!   

From top left to bottom right: Enix, Model 006 (3 versions), Young Nintendo, Young Sega, Alicesoft, Activision, CDProjektRed, Bandai, Namco, Konami, Othrim, EA (Human form),Sonic Team part 1, Retro, Epic, Capcom, Sonic Team part 2, Brinker, Atari, Ubisoft, Square, Nintendo, Sega, Rare, Valve, Bioware, Biodrone, Obsidian, Platinum, Gearbox, Visceral and Lionhead.
And finally some mockups showing off some UI concepts and Tilesets.

Hopefully this update was worth the wait! Updates will be more frequent from now on, so you all don't have to worry!

Friday 20 April 2012

Look how pretty the World of Vidya is!

The Legend of Vidya has a new world map and we'd like to share it with you all!
If you have any ideas for locations, leave a comment or post them on the forums! We're open to all sorts of ideas!
We're also working hard on deciding what mechanics we should use in combat, so read up about it on the forums and share your ideas as well!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

We GameMaker Now

A small, but significant update. Since we lack any real programming skills, we're using Game Maker for the project. The Combat will be reminiscent of SMRPG and Mario and Luigi and the like.
The game will be split into chapters, 4 major chapters for each of the platforms, a bit wars chapter, and a final chapter.
We're still working hard, so keep checking in on the blog and our forums!
Happy Vidya!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

We're not dead yet!

Just wanted to pop in to tell y'all we have the newest version of the character chart. No more new haracters will be added, but the ones on there ARE subject to change.
Anyway, the main topic now is deciding who the main character will be! There's some pretty good discussion going on at the forums. You all should check it out and get your two cents in!

Friday 9 March 2012

More charts!

The character list has become so big that it has to be split into three parts!

We also added a wiki too!
To the Wiki!

The World of Vidya

Once again, we had a great brainstorming session last night. last night we started to move on from the subject of characters (As the roster is now gigantic) and started focusing more on the setting. And let me say this, /v/ is just as wild coming up with settings as they are people.
Map Concept 1

Map Concept 2
I'll be posting a few ideas dropped by a couple anons. Don't be mad if your idea isn't on here. There were a LOT of them and they're easy to miss.

 From one Anon:
Nintendo would be like feudalistic, isolationist Japan. While trying to bring about new forms of warfare they see other kingdoms as upstart braggarts who mean nothing but trouble.

Sony is what some might call a dark kingdom in chaos because of warlike tendencies, rampant success in wars and poor protection of citizens.

Microsoft is the Empire, rumored to be started by descendants of those from the strange land of PC. They are very traditional and have stuck to the ways of their founders closely, not daring to change anything up. They seek to merge kingdoms into theirs to expand.

Sega is an old kingdom which once rivaled Nintendo. Ahead of its time, yet inefficient Sony annihilated a once proud kingdom in Sega, leaving it disbanded. Former citizens of Sega have flocked to the other kingdoms, having no place to call home anymore. The Ruins of Sega still stand today. 

From another Anon:
Console Nation states replacing the old agrarian empires of PCs. The PCs were a world of rulers, but they were far off and most loyalty was more towards a local "village" (early on line communities) and perhaps some local lord rather then to the emperor himself,and certainly not to some abstract sense of nation.  

Building off of the idea that PC and Consoles are from two different continents or realms, many people agreeed that the PC continent should be sort of a lawless frontier, much like the US back in the day, while the consoles were more orderly states. Some ideas were that Steam would be some
 sort of a railroad, while others suggested it be an army.

Anyways, unfortunately, I couldn't get everything, however a helpful Anon  is working on a project bible to help us organize this all. And the newest version of the character chart should be done pretty soon if not done already.
I leave you all with some character art created yesterday:

Square + Enix
 Unfortunately, I didn't get to save the Visceral art, so if the drawfriend could post it in the next thread, on the forums or by email (, it'd be appreciated.
Good day to you all!

Thursday 8 March 2012

Big update!

We had a big, productive thread going yesterday! There must've been like 50 new characters added to the chart as well as some story and backstory brainstorming. Let me show what I believe were to be the highlights of last night.

From an Anon,
At the eve of the world, The Gods made the vidya, and gave it to man, who were in the need of such glory. Man, in all it's greed, saw the power that the vidya had, and began to exploit it, reproducing them and selling them to all. The old wizard Atari,seeing that created the Continent of Consoles, and moved the people there. But Atari fell under the influences of the Ancientest of All Evils, the one that created the beast we now know as EA. In his corrupted state, Atari burned his own kingdom, along with himself and all the vidya that one could imagine. Those that wanted to survive moved to the new-found continent of PC, and began to prosper there.Centuries passed as we came through the age known only as The Crash, which to many appeared to be the end of the world. and now, when the world needed a hero, he was given Nintendo, the youth from a far away land that brought order and civilization to the real of Consoles. time passed and Realms of PCs (who never had a crash, perhaps until now) and Consoles united, and so, we saw 4 generations of glory, perhaps marked by petty wars, but still great in the amount of vidya that the land saw. But now, the ancient evil has awakened once more, bringing forth his newest champion, EA. Who will save the world this time, now that Nintendo is old? who can save the PCs, who are no longer safe from the machinations of Evil? Only time will tell...

By another Anon:
The people and peasants sustain, noble companies give it for free or as a reward for some deeds, yet the evil ones charge overpriced and outrageous amounts of money for them 
A system of jails and resources ID that was planned to stop a band of mighty pirates from plowing everything, it hurts the people now even more, and is used in varied degrees, from simples alarms to death traps in varying resources
There's a legend of an island living in anarchy and turnmoil, where the pirates have learned how to destory those measures, from noble robin hood pirates stealing and sharing to greedy pirates wanting fortunes for themselves, the island is only called "The torrent" because of the weather that surrounds it. 

As well as some new art:
Concept art of Bioware and a Biodrone

A quick sprite I made based on that art

Walking animations for King Nintendo

Quick Sega Tower concept sketch.

  And finally, there was a massive update to the chart.
It's pretty fucking big.
 I'd say we were pretty productive yesterday! Let's see what today holds!